Display Specified Information of Selected Members on the Sigma-Excels Database

Select the Information: checkboxes for what you want displayed then select members by entering selection criteria in the data fields.

Selecting only checkboxes displays the selected Information for all members.

Selecting only data fields displays all Information for the matching members.

'blank' or 'not blank' can be used to select blank or non blank Address or Email fields.

Clicking 'Display' with nothing selected displays the entire database.

Year: can be a range --- Order By: can be selected in any of the above display methods.

Information: Year   Club   Web   Address   City   State   Zip Code   Country   Phone   Cell   Email
First Name:
Last Name:
Year: thru Ex: 1956 thru 1959
Zip Code:
Home Phone: Ex: 801 555 1234 0r 801-555-1234
Cell Phone: Ex: 801 555 1234 or 801-555-1234
Email Address: