A full house with couples sitting across from each other
One group of males - Dave, Kent, Lynn
Another group - Heidi, Kathy, Phidia
The female group opposite the male group -
Diane, Rosalie, Shana, but with a couple that didn’t follow the opposing couple paradigm - Allen & Connie
The entire group - taken by the waiter
One side from the far end
Phidia welcoming Bob, who drove in from Logan
2019 June at Gray Cliff Lodge
The Restaurant in Ogden Canyon
Waiting in Nick Breeze’s Ski Museum Bar
More arriving - but socializing is prime
Four more arrive, bu socializing is still primary to eating
We finally move to our table in the restaurant
Now dinner is paramount
And still is…
2019 October at Roosters
Roosters in Layton adjacent to Corbin’s Grill
This month’s dinner was specialbecause it was held the Tuesday before the usual 2nd Monday. That was due to an Excels member from out of state wanted to attend one of the events.
His attendance enticed three other Excels members to attend.
Heidi Porter - my wife & partner in crime
Two of the four Excels members at the dinner
Butch Israelsen and Boyd Whitesides
Boyd & Butch
The third Excels member Bob Marshall
Boyd & Butch with the Excels member who instigated the early dinner and other Excels members to attend
Alan Reeder
Shana Hunter & Judy Vander Heide
Ron Nylander
Alan & Boyd looking at Ron’s photos
Ralph Vander Heide in front of Dave & Shana Hunter
Shana & Dave
Phidia & Kathy Cutrubus
Alan & Boyd
Allen Labrecque
Everyone at table one
Everyone at table two
One side of table one
It was decided to have the Dinners four times a year instead of three.
The months are January, April, July and October
2020 January at Ruby River
The Old Standby Restaurant
Phidia & Kathy
Rosalie & Kent
The entire group that made the first dinner of 2020